Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hello, everyone!

So, people are probably starting to show up here and check it out, since we got the save-the-dates in the mail last week. There's not much content here yet, but I promise there will be lots more as the wedding approaches, so please come back and check us out again once you receive your invitation!

Anyway, welcome! October seems very far away right now, but I'm sure it will be here before I know it. Hoping to see a lot of you in San Diego in about six months!


  1. YAY! I got your save the date card on Monday, I was afraid I would miss it since I wasn't sure when I would move or get the key to my mail box, but there it was sitting in my first batch of mail at my new house! I'm so excited you have a blog for your wedding! I have already lined up a babysitter for the weekend of your wedding. (Bekah of course)

  2. Congratulations, Elizabeth! I am excited for you and eager to meet this young man Sara has told me about. Thank you for honoring me with a Save the Date card. I was surprised and flattered. Can't wait.
